Unsolicited Submissions Policy


 Published: July 29, 2023

Unsolicited Submissions Policy for the Louisiana Revolution Official Website (louisianarevolution.com)

  1. Introduction: Thank you for your interest in the Louisiana Revolution. We appreciate your creativity and passion for our team. This Unsolicited Submissions Policy is designed to protect both you and the Louisiana Revolution by clarifying our guidelines regarding unsolicited submissions of ideas, proposals, or materials. Please read this policy carefully before submitting any content or materials to us.

  2. Definitions: a. “Unsolicited Submissions” refer to any ideas, proposals, artwork, suggestions, concepts, or materials that are voluntarily sent to the Louisiana Revolution without prior request or invitation from us. b. “Website” refers to the official website of the Louisiana Revolution, accessible at louisianarevolution.com.

  3. No Obligation or Confidentiality: The Louisiana Revolution does not accept or consider unsolicited submissions. Therefore, any unsolicited submissions received via email, mail, or any other means will not be reviewed, opened, or returned. Furthermore, the Louisiana Revolution does not assume any obligation to treat unsolicited submissions confidentially, and we reserve the right to use or disclose any unsolicited submissions for any purpose, without any obligation or liability to the submitter.

  4. Creative Content and Copyright: Please note that any creative content, ideas, or materials included in an unsolicited submission may already exist or be under development by the Louisiana Revolution or other parties. Submitting unsolicited content may result in potential misunderstandings or disputes, and we advise against sending unsolicited submissions.

  5. Intellectual Property and Ownership: The Louisiana Revolution respects intellectual property rights, and we do not accept or consider unsolicited submissions that include copyrighted materials, trademarks, or intellectual property owned by third parties. Any unsolicited submissions containing such content will be disregarded and deleted.

  6. Alternative Communication Channels: For any official inquiries, partnership proposals, or other communications related to the Louisiana Revolution, we encourage you to contact us through the appropriate communication channels listed on our website. This ensures that your message reaches the relevant department and is handled properly.

  7. Agreement to Terms: By accessing and using the louisianarevolution.com website, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to abide by this Unsolicited Submissions Policy. If you do not agree with this policy or any of its provisions, we kindly request that you refrain from submitting any unsolicited content or materials to the Louisiana Revolution.

  8. Modifications: The Louisiana Revolution reserves the right to modify this Unsolicited Submissions Policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes to this policy will be posted on this page. By continuing to use the louisianarevolution.com website after any such changes, you agree to be bound by the revised policy.

  9. Contact Information: For any questions or concerns regarding this Unsolicited Submissions Policy or the louisianarevolution.com website, please contact us at louisianarevolution@gmail.com.