Ross Napoli

Player Bio: Ross Napoli

Position: Guard

Hometown: Staten Island, New York

Ross Napoli’s journey in the SFL began with a tenacious display of talent as a defensive end for the San Jose Flight in the SFLm. His unwavering work ethic and determination caught the eyes of scouts and coaches alike, making him a coveted prospect heading into the season 15 SFL Draft. It was no surprise when he was selected as the 5th overall pick in the 1st round, solidifying his place in the league.

During his first two seasons, Ross showcased his exceptional abilities as a defensive end, setting himself apart with his versatility, power, and agility. His natural talent made him a formidable force on the defensive line, often disrupting opposing offenses and earning respect across the league.

However, Ross Napoli’s commitment to the team’s success went beyond individual accolades. In season 17, recognizing a weakness in the offensive line, he made a selfless decision to transition to the role of offensive guard. This move demonstrated his team-first mentality, as he willingly put aside personal accomplishments to help the Louisiana Revolution shore up their line and improve the team’s overall performance.

Since taking on the role of offensive guard, Ross Napoli has continued to excel, bringing the same dedication and intensity to his new position. His quick adaptation and understanding of offensive line techniques have made him a crucial asset to the Revolution’s offense, providing a strong foundation for their plays and offering protection to Quarterback Tommy Utah.

Beyond his contributions on the field, Ross Napoli plays a significant role off the field as well. He holds the title of Co-Owner and General Manager of the Louisiana Revolution, demonstrating his deep investment in the team’s success and development.

As a player and leader, Ross Napoli exemplifies the true spirit of selflessness and dedication to the game. His presence on the field as an offensive guard embodies the qualities that make him not only an outstanding player but also a driving force behind the Louisiana Revolution’s growth and achievements.

Throughout his SFL journey, Ross Napoli’s versatility, skills, and commitment to teamwork have set him apart as an integral part of the Revolution’s success. As the upcoming seasons unfold, fans can expect to witness his continued excellence and the impact he has on the Louisiana Revolution’s journey toward greatness.

Relative Athletic Score (RAS) is a metric used in football to assess an athlete’s physical abilities compared to others in their position. It combines various combine and pro day measurements into a single numerical score on a 0 to 10 scale. A high RAS indicates above-average athleticism, while a low score suggests below-average traits. This system helps teams and analysts evaluate player potential and make more informed decisions during drafts and player assessments.

Ross Napoli RAS
Ross Napoli Stats