On The Inside

A Candid Conversation with Owner and General Manager Ross Napoli: PART 2

Ross Napoli

Houma, La. Jack MeHoff (JM): Ross, let’s dig into some more specific topics. The SFL is a dynamic league with its ups and downs. What’s your unfiltered take on the state of the league and its direction?

Ross Napoli (RN): Jack, the SFL is an exciting and competitive league, no doubt. It’s constantly evolving, and I see it heading in a positive direction. The level of talent, the dedication of players, and the passion of fans make it a vibrant and engaging experience. Of course, there are challenges to address, as with any sports league, but I have faith that the SFL leadership and its member teams will continue to drive it forward.

JM: Your team is currently 1-1 this season. What are your overall impressions of the team’s performance, and how do you view the team’s potential moving forward?

RN: Our performance has shown glimpses of our potential, but there’s still room for growth. We’ve demonstrated resilience and tenacity, which are key traits of a winning team. I believe in our players’ capabilities, and I’m confident that as the season progresses, we’ll continue to gel as a unit and deliver even stronger performances. We’re focused on consistent improvement and reaching our full potential.

JM: The reigning champions, Baltimore Vultures, are 0-2 this season. What’s your analysis of their current situation, and how do you prepare your team to face a team that’s hungry for a win?

RN: It’s uncharacteristic for the Vultures to start with two losses, and I have no doubt they’re eager to turn that around. We won’t underestimate them, that’s for sure. Facing a team with their history and talent requires thorough preparation. We’ll analyze their gameplay, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and adapt our strategy accordingly. Our focus is on executing our game plan and capitalizing on opportunities.

JM: Let’s talk about your time as a player. You were drafted 5th overall in Season 15. How does your experience as a high draft pick inform your perspective as an Owner and GM when evaluating new talent?

RN: Being a high draft pick gave me insight into the expectations and pressures that come with it. It helps me empathize with young players entering the league and striving to make their mark. When evaluating new talent, I consider not only their skills on the field but also their mindset, work ethic, and potential for growth. It’s about building a team that not only performs well but also gels as a cohesive unit.

JM: Turning back to the present, how do you view the current landscape of your roster, and are there any areas you’re looking to bolster or refine?

RN: Our roster has a mix of experienced players and talented rookies, and that balance is crucial. We’re always evaluating our performance and analyzing areas for improvement. It’s an ongoing process, and we’re open to making adjustments to enhance our team’s overall strength. As the season unfolds, we’ll continue to monitor our progress and make strategic decisions to address any needs that arise.

JM: Off the field, how do you foster a positive relationship with your players, balancing the roles of Owner and GM?

RN: Building a positive relationship with our players is paramount. I believe in open communication and transparency. I’m approachable and make an effort to listen to their insights and concerns. Balancing the roles of Owner and GM requires a delicate balance, but ultimately, it’s about ensuring that our players feel supported, valued, and empowered to give their best on and off the field.

JM: And in your spare time, Ross, how do you unwind from the demanding world of sports management? Any hobbies or interests you’d like to share?

RN: My spare time is a mix of staying active and spending quality time with family and friends. I enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and golfing, which allow me to clear my mind and recharge. I’m also an avid reader and enjoy delving into a good book. Ultimately, finding that balance between work and relaxation is crucial to maintaining a healthy perspective and ensuring I’m at my best for the team.

Ross Napoli

JM: Ross, let’s wrap up our conversation. As a Player, Owner, and GM, you wear many hats. What’s the most rewarding aspect of your role?

Ross Napoli (RN): The most rewarding aspect is witnessing the growth and success of our team. Seeing our players excel on the field, watching their hard work translate into victories, and being part of a community that rallies behind the Revolution—it’s truly gratifying. As an Owner and GM, I take pride in contributing to the team’s journey and creating an environment where players can thrive.

JM: On the flip side, what’s the biggest challenge you face in your dual role, and how do you navigate it?

RN: Balancing the responsibilities of Owner and GM can be a challenge. Ensuring that the team’s performance and operations are on track while also considering the business aspects requires careful juggling. However, it’s a challenge I embrace. Effective communication, collaboration with our coaching staff and front office, and staying adaptable help me navigate the demands of both roles.

JM: Looking ahead, what are your aspirations for the Louisiana Revolution? What legacy do you hope to leave behind?

RN: My aspirations for the Revolution are to establish a legacy of excellence, both on and off the field. I want the Revolution to be synonymous with top-tier performance, sportsmanship, and community engagement. I hope that our team becomes a source of pride for fans and serves as a platform for talented athletes to achieve their dreams. Ultimately, I aim to leave behind a legacy of success, growth, and a positive impact on the SFL.

JM: As we approach the upcoming game against the Baltimore Vultures, what’s your message to the fans and the team?

RN: To our fans, your unwavering support fuels our drive to succeed. Your energy and enthusiasm are integral to our success, and we’ll continue to give our all to you. To the team, let’s use every experience, every challenge, and every victory to come together and rise even higher. The Vultures will be a tough opponent, but we’re prepared, determined, and united. Let’s channel that energy and make Louisiana proud.

JM: Ross, it’s been an insightful and candid conversation. Your dedication to the team and your multifaceted role is truly impressive. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.

RN: Thank you, Jack. It’s been a pleasure to delve into these discussions. I’m here to provide insights and perspectives whenever needed. Go Revolution!


Jack MeHoff (JM): And there you have it, a candid and comprehensive conversation with Ross Napoli, Owner and GM of the Louisiana Revolution. Stay tuned for more exclusive insights and perspectives from On The Inside.

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