On The Inside

A Candid Conversation with Owner and General Manager Ross Napoli: PART 1

Ross Napoli

Houma, La. Jack MeHoff (JM): Ross, it’s great to have this candid conversation with you. Let’s start at the beginning of your journey in the SFL. You were drafted #5 overall in season 15 and now you’re both an Owner and GM. How does it feel to be a player and hold such pivotal roles in Louisiana?

Ross Napoli (RN): Thanks, Jack. It’s been an incredible journey, no doubt. Being a player, Owner, and GM has been both challenging and rewarding. As a player, I am fueled by my passion for the game, and as an Owner and GM, that passion drives me to make the best decisions for the team. It’s a different kind of pressure, but one that I thrive on.

JM: You’ve had your fair share of experiences with the SFL. How has your perspective on the league evolved over the years? What are some of the things you’ve come to appreciate or question?

RN: My perspective on the SFL has definitely evolved. When I first joined, I was all about the competition on the field. But over the years, I’ve come to appreciate the intricate workings behind the scenes. The dedication and hard work that everyone puts in to make this league function are truly impressive. However, like any organization, there are always areas that could use improvement, and I’ve never shied away from questioning those aspects to ensure the league keeps evolving.

JM: Let’s talk about the current season. Louisiana stands at 1-1 so far. How do you assess the team’s performance up to this point? Are there any specific areas that you’re particularly pleased or concerned about?

RN: Our team has shown a lot of promise in the early part of the season. We had a strong start, but there are always areas we can improve upon. Our offense has been making strides, and our defense has had standout moments. However, consistency is key, and we’re working hard to ensure that every game reflects our true potential.

JM: Now, the Baltimore Vultures, the reigning champs, are 0-2. What’s your take on their slow start? Do you see any specific factors contributing to their current record?

RN: The Vultures’ 0-2 start is surprising, especially considering their recent championship victory. It just goes to show that every season is a fresh slate and that any team can face challenges. They might be dealing with various factors, from team dynamics to strategic adjustments by opponents. It’s early in the season, and I wouldn’t count them out just yet.

JM: Looking ahead, you have a showdown with the Baltimore Vultures in Week 3. How do you plan to approach this matchup, considering their championship pedigree?

RN: Facing the Vultures is always a formidable challenge, but we’re ready for it. We’ll analyze their strengths and weaknesses, formulate a game plan, and execute it to the best of our abilities. Our team is hungry to prove themselves, and a victory against the reigning champs would be a significant statement for us.

JM: How would you describe your relationship with the players? Do you find it challenging to balance your roles as both Owner and GM while maintaining that rapport?

RN: Building relationships with the players is crucial. I’ve been on their side of the field, and I understand the dedication and hard work they put in. It’s essential to find that balance between being their leader and being someone they can approach. Ultimately, we’re all working toward a common goal, and that shared purpose helps us navigate any challenges.

Ross Napoli

JM: Ross, let’s delve deeper into your experiences. As a player for Louisiana, how has that shaped your approach as an Owner and GM? Do you find yourself drawing from your time on the field when making decisions?

RN: Absolutely, Jack. My time as a player has been invaluable in my current roles. I know what it’s like to be in their shoes—the highs, the lows, the camaraderie. It helps me empathize with our players and make decisions that take into account both their individual growth and the team’s success. It also gives me a unique perspective on strategy and game dynamics that I bring to my GM role.

JM: Let’s talk about the Canton Classics game in Week 2. It was a close one that went into overtime. How do you reflect on that matchup? What were the key takeaways for the team?

RN: The Canton Classics game was a hard-fought battle, and our team showed incredible resilience. The fact that we pushed it into overtime demonstrated our determination and potential. It was a learning experience, highlighting both our strengths and areas we need to improve. We have to take those lessons and apply them moving forward.

JM: QB Tommy Utah has been a central figure in the team’s offense. How would you assess his performance so far, and what are your expectations from him in the upcoming games?

RN: Tommy Utah has been a strong leader for our offense. He’s shown poise and determination, and I’m confident in his ability to make plays. Of course, like any player, there’s always room for improvement. We’re working together to fine-tune our offensive strategy and capitalize on his strengths. I expect him to continue growing and leading the team on the field.

JM: Turning our attention to the defense, OLB Gary Clem made some game-changing plays against Canton. How crucial is his contribution to the team’s success, and how do you see his role evolving in the coming games?

RN: Gary Clem’s performance against Canton was outstanding. He’s a force on the field, making game-changing plays that energize the entire team. His role is integral to our defensive strategy, and I believe he will continue to be a driving force in our success. As the season progresses, we’ll leverage his strengths and adapt to different opponents to maximize his impact.

JM: Louisiana’s upcoming game against the Baltimore Vultures is highly anticipated. How do you prepare the team mentally and physically for such a significant matchup?

RN: Facing the Vultures is a formidable challenge, no doubt. We approach it with a combination of focus and confidence. Mentally, we emphasize the importance of staying composed under pressure and believing in our capabilities. Physically, our coaching staff tailors our preparations to address the Vultures’ strengths and exploit their weaknesses. It’s about finding that balance and executing our game plan to the best of our abilities.

JM: With a diverse roster of talent, how do you foster a sense of unity and teamwork within the Louisiana Revolution?

RN: Fostering unity is essential to our team’s success. We emphasize open communication, respect, and trust among our players and staff. We create an environment where everyone’s input is valued, and each player understands their role in contributing to our collective goals. Our team culture revolves around supporting one another and celebrating each other’s successes.

JM: Lastly, Ross, what’s the ultimate goal for the Louisiana Revolution this season? How do you plan to achieve that goal?

RN: The ultimate goal is to bring a SFL championship to Louisiana. We’re working tirelessly to improve with each game and capitalize on our strengths. It’s about staying focused, making adjustments when needed, and working together as a cohesive unit. Our dedication and hard work will drive us toward that goal, and we’re committed to leaving no stone unturned in our pursuit of success.

JM: Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Ross. It’s been insightful getting a glimpse into your perspective and strategies. Looking forward to continuing our conversation.

RN: My pleasure, Jack. Thanks for the opportunity to discuss our team and its journey. Looking forward to our next chat.

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