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Interview: Duane Sammons Injury Update

Duane Sammons Injury

Houma, La. Reporter Jenny Talya: Duane, unfortunate to see you leave the game in the second quarter against Atlanta due to injury. Can you provide an update on your current condition and how you’re feeling now?

Duane Sammons: It’s frustrating to have another setback, especially after the injury during the preseason. Right now, my injury is a strained bicep, and I’ve been receiving treatment and rehab to ensure a quick recovery. I’m feeling better day by day, and the medical staff has been doing a great job of helping me get back to full strength.

Reporter Ben Dover: This is the second consecutive game where you’ve had to exit early due to injury. How are you coping mentally with these challenges, and what steps are you taking to address any concerns?

Duane Sammons: It’s definitely been tough mentally, but I’m trying to stay positive and focused on the bigger picture. Injuries are part of the game, and I’m determined to overcome them. I’ve been working closely with our medical team to strengthen the areas that need attention and taking proactive measures to minimize the risk of future injuries. It’s about learning from these experiences and using them to come back even stronger.

Duane Sammons

Reporter Mike Hawk: Duane, with these recent injuries, some may question whether you’re injury-prone. How do you respond to those concerns, and what do you believe you can do to ensure your durability moving forward?

Duane Sammons: I understand the concerns, but I don’t believe I’m injury-prone. Injuries can happen to anyone in this physically demanding sport. I’m committed to taking care of my body, following the right training regimen, and making the necessary adjustments to my playing style if needed. My focus is on staying healthy and contributing to the team in any way I can.

Reporter Buster Cherry: Looking ahead to the Week 2 matchup against the Canton Classics, are you confident that you’ll be ready to play and make it through the entire game? What’s your approach to ensuring you’re at your best for the upcoming game?

Duane Sammons: I’m working diligently to get back on the field as soon as possible. I’ve been following the guidance of our medical staff, and they’re optimistic about my progress. My goal is to be fully prepared and ready to contribute against Canton. I’ll continue to prioritize my recovery, engage in rehab, and focus on staying conditioned. I want to be out there with my teammates, giving my all and helping us secure the win.

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